
Search for global node_modules folder (GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES)

  1. Use the npm config get prefix command to find the path to the mhy executable file.

  2. The global node_modules folder should be around there somewhere. It varies between different systems, maybe it is right next to it, maybe inside a lib directory next to it or the upper levels.

  3. Inside the global node_modules folder, you'll find mhy/node_modules. The path to that directory is what we will need.

Generating config files

# Generating all possible config files mhy can provide
mhy config

# Use -o to overwrite existing files
mhy config -o

# Generate specific config files
mhy config prettier typescript webpack -io

Alias resolution and node_modules resolution

Generate a tsconfig.json file in your root folder mhy config typescript -io. VSCode will handle it for you, even if you have a JavaScript project.

Generate prettier config mhy config prettier -io and install Prettier - Code formatter plugin.

Unfortunately you'll need to create watcher for each File Type you want the IDE to watch. By default it was creating it only for JavaScript. Most probably you want to add jsx, ts, tsx watcher also. Do this with copying the watcher and change the File Type.


  1. ONLY in case you don't have .eslintrc file yet: mhy config eslint -i

  2. Go to File > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > ESLint

  3. Enable

  4. Click on Edit in settings.json

  5. Grab mhy's nodemodules path and add the following key into _VSCode settings.json: "eslint.nodePath": ".../mhy-node_modules-path",

  6. Save it.

Last updated

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